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A smart sensor linked with mobile application to keep track of the real time quality of your food items your food inventory.



Food waste impacts badly on the environment. And food waste is a very serious issue. So, our problem statement was “How might we help people to manage their food inventory at home and thereby reduce food wastage at home?”


43% of the entire food waste is happening at home. Food waste at home occurs mainly due to forgetfulness, poor visibility in overloaded refrigerators & misjudged food needs, improper storage of food items, and over preparing. So, our solution was a combination of a mobile application and a smart sensor.

The smart sensor predicts the real-time food quality of the food and sends the data to a mobile application that helps the users to track the real time expiration date of the food which is there in their food inventory. The app also suggests the recipe list based on the expiration date of the food so that users can utilize it efficiently.


Anyone who uses the self-checkout parking kiosk at the time of parking car in the university parking space. [Recheck]

“Food is too good to waste”


My role and contribution

UX Researcher and UX Designer

Responsible for,

  • Primary and Secondary Research
  • Wireframes and Prototyping
  • Conducted heuristic evaluation and usability testing

UX Methods

Secondary Research, Field study, user interviews, observations, user persona, Thematic Analysis, Empthy mapping, Wireframing, prototyping, usability testing



Collaborated with 3 students in this academic project



Miro, Figma



6 weeks

How it will work:

Key Features:

Real time food quality status of your food in your phone

Sensors will predict the accurate expiration date of the food and user have all those information in the mobile app.


Many people prefer fresh vegetables and fruits instead of frozen ones which come into the packets with expiration dates. So for them, it’s hard to predict the expiration date of fresh food items. Every single day they have to check the quality either by smelling them or testing them and then they have to remember that.

Notify the user about the food going to expire soon(Today or Tomorrow)

Whenever any food is going to expire today or tomorrow, or if any food needs attention, the mobile app will notify the user about that.


During our research we came to know that, many people just forget what they have in their refrigerator and that food goes bad unattended. Also people have a habit of stocking up the food in the refrigerator and in addition to that, humans don’t like the empty space in the refrigerator and that’s human psychology. So because of SensiFI, now they don’t have to remember about which food they have in their food inventory. SensiFI will take care of that thing.

Widget which allows user to save the time and One tap scan feature to quickly link the tag

This way user won’t have to open the app every single time to check whether there are any food items which need your attention?
Moreover, we are providing the scan feature in that widget itself so that you can very quickly and easily link the tag.


When you are a student or working professional. So, to reduce the work and save the time we came up with this idea of combining features which users will need more frequently in one single widget.

Recipe suggestions: No, not just another recipe suggestions app thing, this is different

SensiFI will provide the recipes suggestions only on the base 2 things: One is which are the food items going to expire soon, Second is through which recipe you will be able to utilize the maximum number of food items you have in your food inventory.


Again think about the students who have just started cooking on their own and the working professionals who don’t have time to think much about what they can cook. The scenarios get worse when 5-6 food items are going to expire today itself. People find it difficult to think about the recipes through which they can utilize all those 5-6 items in one go. That’s why in those situations, SensiFI recipes suggestions will help them a lot.

Design process:


For this project, research was very crucial to understand the whole food cycle and human behavior towards food waste. This set the base of what to look for in interviews and observations. So, research was divided in three parts: Secondary Research, Field observations and User Interviews.

Secondary Research:

I went through 13 research papers and articles to understand 3 main things which were:

  • Impact: How badly food waste impacts the environment, what are the loopholes in the entire process.
  • Reasons behind food waste: I tried to understand the reasons behind the food waste. Why is food waste happening at home? What is human behavior behind the food waste.
  • Sensors: Lastly, I tried to do research on which types of sensors are there(if any) which can measure the real time food quality of the food.

Field Observations:

I went through 13 research papers and articles to understand 3 main things which were:

  • Goal:
    To understand the grocery shopping habits of humans and to understand why people don’t like empty space in their fridge, how they store the food items in the refrigerator.
  • How did I do it?
    I went to the supermarket to observe and understand the grocery shopping habits of humans. I observed people’s refrigerators to understand who stored the food in the refrigerator and during my secondary research I came to know that generally people don’t like empty space in their refrigerator so they keep overbuying and keep stocking up the food in the fridge.

User interviews:

For user interviews, I interviewed 2 users: One is a 25 year old graduate student and second is a working professional who has to travel frequently for work purposes.

  • Goal:
    The goal of doing user interviews was to learn and understand “why” the problem.
  • How did I do it?
    The interviews were conducted in an unstructured setup, more like a conversation to get more insights from the users. However, in order to ensure that we get a consensus among the findings, the team created a basic set of questionnaires to serve as a guideline during the interviews. The full set of research questions you will find here. [LINK]


Sources of food waste:

During the secondary research I came to know that the highest number of food waste is coming from homes which is 43% !!

Reasons/Root causes behind food waste at home:

During our primary research and secondary research we analyse that these are the 4 major reasons behind the food waste at home, so, these are the root causes for the problem.

Insights from the interviews & field observations:

Thematic Analysis:

I along with the team posted all our findings on a Figjam board where we used affinity mapping to identify themes and group findings according to themes.

Empathy mappinG:

After that, along with the team, we created the empathy map as well. During our secondary research we came to know that consumer behavior plays a major role in food waste. So we thought in order to find the solution for the problem of food waste, we have to understand the consumer behavior in this direction.

Archetypes / User personas:

The research conducted so far helped us to uncover two target behavioral archetypes: “unaware consumer” and “aware but not practicing consumer”. The following two quotes respectively portray how they think and feels:

Solution Rationale

Our design solution must have these rationale in order to solve the problem of “How might we help people to manage their food inventory at home and thereby reduce food wastage at home?”

  • The solution should decrease the human intervention and cognitive load in order to manage their food inventory like checking the food quality, keep thinking about what they have in their refrigerator etc.
  • The solution should be quick and easy to use so that it can be helpful to students and working professionals.



We performed 3 brainstorming sessions to find the solution to the problem.

This helped us collect ideas from all possible directions. The task of narrowing down the ideas was done into 2 parts.

Therefore, coming to SensiFI was an iterative process and an amalgam of ideas from all the 3 sessions.


Use Case 1:

The proposed app will notify Amanda, who works a full-time job and frequently forgets about the items in her refrigerator, about the expiration dates of the food inside so that she may cook it and prevent it from being thrown out.

Use Case 2:

The app reminds Jake of the expiration dates of the food items in his home, but since he is a student, he doesn’t have enough knowledge about cooking and doesn’t know how to utilize all the expiring items.


Design Direction:

Wireframes were drawn on a whiteboard during this stage. We carefully considered what should go where on each screen. It was simpler to edit the modifications in various iterations when using a whiteboard.


After making designs and prototyping it was a time to do evaluations of the designs. So, for the design evaluations, heuristic and expert evaluations and usability testing(Think Aloud method) of five potential users were conducted. The results of the evaluations were as follows:

What worked well:

  • They really liked the idea of using a sensor to track the real time food expiration date so that now they are free from checking the quality of the food everyday.
  • Users were in love with the micro-animations and interactions which help them to understand the usage of different components of the application.
  • Users also liked the idea of alert messages they are getting about the food items which need their attention and they were amazed by the widget option as well.
  • Many users gave positive feedback about the recipe section where they are getting the suggestions of the recipe based on the maximum number of food items they have in their inventory and based on the food items which are going to expire soon.

What didn’t work well:

  • Some of the writing and labeling of the application was a bit confusing for the users. i.e the food which was already expired was labeled as “00 days remaining” so users were confused about that.
  • The users were not able to execute an undo operation if they have marked an item as “used”.
  • The users felt the need for more detailed onboarding and walkthrough of the app when they use this app for the first time because integrating sensors with mobile phones is something they don’t do frequently so it’s a kind of new thing for them.

Design Screens & Prototyping


Click here to view the full prototype

1. Onboarding and Homescreen

2. Linking of sensor with application

3. Track the food through the sensor

4. Find recipes based on the expiration dates of the food you have